
Data science in business

Transforming Raw Data into Strategic Intelligence

What we offer

As experienced management consultants with access to a broad range of technical skills, we can help you apply data science concepts and techniques to business challenges. We help you choose right approach, prepare the data and apply advanced tools. We work closely with your internal team to co-create effective and impactful solutions and achieve results.

Inflexion analytics can support each phase:
Discovery phase

What’s possible with your challenge, your data and modern tools

Definition phase

Quantify the opportunities, returns, time and costs and define the task

Development phase

Deliver models and valuable outputs that impact business performance

Deployment phase

Incorporating the solution into new or existing reports, analytics, apps and processes

Open data

Government & Inter-governmental bodies

Alternative data

Satellite & aerial imagery Mobile data Telecom data Location data

How can we help

The business challenge

We work with you to develop a true understanding of the business challenge, combining your perspective and experience with ours.

The data

Working closely with your team we identify all relevant data assets including complex and challenging data from multiple internal and external sources.

The solution

We match the business challenge and all viable data resources to the technical possibilities. Using our expertise in advanced technologies and techniques to create and validate the most appropriate models. We formulate the solution to use standard techniques and proven approaches.

Realise the value

We communicate methodology, models and results to stakeholders. We deploy actionable results which drive performance with your chosen analytics tool. We provide continuing support for the data, the models, the analytics and to the users to build capabilities.